From the rising of the sun to its going down
the Lord's name is to be praised!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Motherhood 'Reflection'

I am hearing the sweet sound of Fernando Ortega Christmas and the music of my children playing together. This is very different from the sound of the raging tantrum from early this morning. Moms, you know the two VERY different feelings that these circumstances produce.

I struggle so much with seeing beyond the moment we are in. When the angry tantrum is happening, I should be trusting that even in this storm there is a lesson for me. But I rage back inside or out, and basically question why I have to deal with this. What good could there possibly be in a tantrum? Can't I learn the lessons God wants to teach me in another form?

I also see the ugly reflection of myself in my children's sin. I realize they will sin without my bad example, yet the mirror that children are, is a mercy from God. It displays truth. It hurts, it discourages, and it convicts.

There are huge lessons in the daily mothering storms. I should not question the form but see the beauty and the mercy that they represent. On the surface, they represent the fact that I HAVE children and that my storm is light in comparison to others suffering. Digging a little deeper, they represent the mercy of God in sanctifying me as a Mom, wife, and child of God.

The real question is, am I (are you) willing to embrace the lessons? I will fail at desiring to learn but the God who began this work in me, will NEVER stop teaching me. I am desiring the lessons but resisting the heat at the same time. Only a God of grace embraces a child like this. His mercies are new every morning-and every moment of the day!

The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?"
Psalm 27:1


VanDyks said...

I'm right there with you, Mel. When I teach my children about sin and help them work through it all, I can't tell you how many times I've had to go back later and tell them, "Mommy told you it was wrong for you to yell at Levi, but I was angry with you earlier, so I need to apologize to you and God for that." Dealing with our kids jsut make my own sin seem SO black and white. It's convicting btu at the same time, SO freeing. And I can't tell you how much good it seems to do the boys when the see me face up to m ysin and pray about it, and apologize for the sin I've committed. Frankly, I think that affects them more than when I deal with their own sin.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mel for this post! I needed to hear and be reminded of that again =0)

Anonymous said...

I find I can get so frustrated with a particular sin that my girls keep doing over and over and then all of a sudden I remember my own sin that I keep doing over and over and how God keeps forgiving me. That keeps me from getting angry at them and really humbles me when I have to dicipline them.

Jonathan and Denise said...

I could have written that post - maybe not quite so nicely, but it is definitely a struggle over here too. Children are such a blessing - we all know it - but it is a good reminder for us to remember this right in the midst of our struggles as well. That post was a good tap on the shoulder for me!

elise said...

very true:O)