From the rising of the sun to its going down
the Lord's name is to be praised!

Thursday, September 08, 2011

 Soaking up Some Rhythm

Well, the first day of school has past. The second day of school is finished as well. And on we were to the third this morning. Some moments I feel overwhelmed by the starting process and some moments I feel relief that we are ‘back to the books’. We are in the in-between time of summer with all of its carefree days coming to an end, and the beginning of a new rhythm with order and books! There is excitement and trepidation, stress and relief, business and order etc. The in-between sort of sets a balance. It can tip one way or the other but eventually we will find the rhythm of new order.

Yesterday afternoon, I suggested the girls color for a while and they chose to color their vowel pages! Score!! I sat sipping my tea and soaking up the beginning of a new rhythm for the mundane…and I smiled. When I was overwhelmed earlier, I had prayed and now I am feeling gratitude that He will be near as we find our groove for this school year.

I was reminded that I cannot look at the whole year, and the whole messy house (which is rather upside down from summer slacking and dudes renovating). Instead I just have to take the next step (only one!) and get to work- the ‘whole’ will be taken care of and with a thankful heart it will be taken care of pleasantly! And when I sin in the process, there is Grace enough to clean me up and trusting that grace I will move along with joy.

Wishing you God’s blessing as you start the routine of school in your families, whether it is through home educating or through seeing them off to school once again. Don’t forget to pray for God’s strength in your rhythm and remember His grace for the mundane. We have a King who cares for His people even in the changing of the seasons!

Snapshots of our first day of School!
A One-Year-Old in the Classroom!!!  Oh Dear!

Grade 2!!
Grade 1!!
First Day of JK!  She is such a hoot to teach!

1 comment:

Pastor Rob VanDoodewaard said...

good job taking pictures already! Es looks so intent on that cutting. I see all the slivers of paper on the table, I can imagine what a hoot it is with her in the books. ha ha