Triple Wonder!
Congratulations Scott and Becky on the birth of your 3rd, 4th, and 5th child. May God's strength and grace surround you with the responsibility of these incredible blessings!
Congratulations Scott and Becky on the birth of your 3rd, 4th, and 5th child. May God's strength and grace surround you with the responsibility of these incredible blessings!
Mama Becky!!!! I am SO PROUD OF You!!!!!(and you to Scott!)
Myles Landon-2 days old and already captivated by his bestest Aunt Mel (OK, perhaps I'm letting my imagination run away with me...)
For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are your WORKS, And that my soul knows very well.
Psalm 139:13-14
There are not enough words to describe the glory of our God revealed in His creation let alone in Salvation. What an AWESOME God He is!! It humbles me to know, that even our feeble attempt at praise gives, Him glory.
***Note: Photos taken by non other than the proud Daddy!***
oooooohhhhh my WORD they are so GORGEOUS!! what great pics Mel!! thank you for posting them - I've been waiting to see pics of the little darlings but didn't expect them to be so beautiful!! aren't premie babies usually kind of ugly?? (no offense to anyone, i just always thought that) they are so beautiful!! Scott & Becky Congratulations (like they'll have time to be checking blogs,'ll have to convey the message :) ) Becky is looking great, i hope she is feeling as good as she looks. what an amazing miracle this is, I stand amazed :)'re right, Mel, praise the Lord!! and I will pray that He gives them strength for the road ahead. :) have a nice weekend!! love carole
I'll be sure to pass on the comments to Becky and Scott...Becky is tired but well.
Scott took the pics...
Thanks for your prayers!!! They are sure going to need people on their knees for them!
I know what you mean...I was actually a tiny bit scarred to see them because I thought they would look so frail. They are just mini babies-which the pics don't really show.
aw, he looks like a doll in your arms Mel. incredibly sweet! I agree they just look like mini babies, not freaky at all. amazing that they were all in Beck's belly. what a crazy fun responsibility.
They're SO beautiful! Thanks for posting these pictures Mel!
Ohhh!! I can't wait to see Beck and her little babes!!(Scott too of course). What precious little miracles! Praise to the Lord is right!!
Looking at those pictures make me cry with joy. They are three beautiful blessing that we have been given. I thank the Lord for the three babies and Blake and Keir every single day. What precious gifts from above.
Oh thanks for posting pictures Mel. WHat little sweeties. Congratulations Beck and Scott!! What a miracle that they are so well even though they are so little. Wow. Its neat that they have hair, what cutie pie's
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