From the rising of the sun to its going down
the Lord's name is to be praised!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Catching Up, Misc, Winter Blahs, Etc...

It's been a while since my last post. Are all you other mother's hearing the pleas from your littles to go for walks, go to the park etc? Spring can't come soon enough around here! It's actually pretty neat to hear how much Mia remembers from last Spring/Summer.

Here's some miscellaneous pictures beginning with the most recent and ending with tobogganing on Esmé's birthday.

Hoping for Spring...the first sprouts.

Our Winter Garden

Family Day...The girls hassled Dan all day while I giggled and read my book. Needless to say Dan didn't get much done.

The Problem Solver...when the sun is shining on the computer screen and Mom doesn't have the capacity to hang a curtain (I TRIED!) then Mia's problem solving skills kick in.
Jam Face

Mia is the best helper! This picture is taken during 'happy hour' when supper is being made, Daddy's on his way home and Esmé can't wait to eat.

Esmé's Birthday Party

Tobogganing at the old Faith Baptist hill.
Ksena is mourning the brevity of Winter. ;O)
Tea Time! (with honey of course!)


Household of Faith said...

I know what you mean about wishing for spring! Seth is constantly asking to go for walks or ride his bike. Soon enough! Fun pictures. Toboganning must have been a blast!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Mel!! Thanks for the update! We can't wait till spring over here too, but Jesse loves the snow!!

Noordam's Blog said...

I love the picture of Esme looking in the gift bag - as if she's making sure that she didn't miss anything way in the bottom - too cute!

Anonymous said...

very sweet pictures Mel, it looks like you have quite the busy household! It was great to see your pictures. =0)

Anita said...

Hey Mel, I loved seeing all your pictures! We should trade houses. You can have spring here for a week, and I will have winter there for a week. (but somehow we will have to make sure we still see each other). We miss you guys!! Love ya!